What are the different field types that can be added to an application?

Learn about the different field types that can be added to an application in Under.

In Under, there are a wide variety of field types that you can add to your application to enhance its functionality and tailor it to your specific needs.

These field types range from simple text fields to more complex options like multi-checkbox fields, dropdown lists, and auto-fill address fields.


Text fields provide customers with the flexibility to enter any desired value in a free-text format. These fields do not offer any specific formatting options, allowing users to input information in a straightforward manner.


Number fields have a similar style to text fields, but they only allow the customer to enter numbers. With number fields, you have the ability to add formatting options, specify minimum and maximum values, and apply quantitative formatting.

To learn how to add formatting to a number field, view the article linked below:

How do I add formatting to a number field?


Dropdown fields offer the ability to include a selection of specific options for customers to choose from. When a dropdown field is added to a mapped PDF, the chosen option appears as text in the field.

To learn how to quickly add a dropdown field with all 50 states, view the article linked below:

How do I quickly add state options to a dropdown field?


Radio fields function similarly to dropdown fields in that they allow customers to select from a list of specific options. When a radio field is added to a mapped PDF, the chosen option is represented by a dot on the PDF.


Checkbox fields give customers the option to mark a box as checked or unchecked on the merchant application.

If you would like this checkbox field to serve as a reminder or notification, you can make it a required field. This ensures that the customer must verify that they have read the specified information before proceeding.

Checkbox List

Checkbox list fields function similarly to dropdown and radio fields, allowing customers to choose from a list of options. However, what sets checkbox list fields apart is that customers can select multiple options from the list, rather than just one.

To learn how to format a checkbox list field on the merchant application, view the article linked below:

How do I format a checkbox list field?


Switch fields operate in a similar manner to checkbox fields, allowing customers to toggle the switch on or off based on their selection.


Phone fields provide customers with the convenience of entering their phone number directly into the merchant application.

These fields come with built-in formatting, making it easy for customers to input their phone number in a standardized format. Additionally, customers have the option to select the country code for their phone number, ensuring accurate and efficient data entry.


Date fields give customers the option to choose a date using a convenient date picker.

With this field, you have the flexibility to customize the format in which the date is displayed. You can also choose whether or not to allow customers to select future dates.

To learn how to change the format of a date field on the merchant application, view the article linked below:

How do I change the format of a date field?

Must be Equal to X

'Must be Equal to X' fields allow you to input a list of options that must collectively add up to a specific percentage, typically 100%.

To learn how to set up a 'Must be Equal to X' field, view the article linked below:

How do I set up a 'Must be Equal to X' field?

Same As

By utilizing 'Same As' fields, you have the ability to effortlessly transfer specific information from one field to another.

Simply check a box, and the designated information will automatically be replicated onto the subsequent information that you specify within the application editor. 

To learn how to set up a 'Same As' field, view the article linked below:

How do I set up a 'Same As' field?


Address fields provide customers with the convenience of entering their address information in a user-friendly way.

When customers enter the first line of their address, an auto-fill feature will display a dropdown menu with address options to choose from. This selection will automatically populate the subsequent fields for the address, including line 2, city, state, and zip code.

To learn how to set up an auto-fill address field, view the article linked below:

How do I set up an auto-fill address field?

Click to Agree

'Click to Agree' fields provide you with the flexibility to write and format a block of content that the customer can agree to. On the merchant application, the field label is displayed as a checkbox, and the custom content is positioned above it.

To learn how to set up a 'Click to Agree' field, view the article linked below:

How do I set up a 'Click to Agree' field?