How do I add formatting to a number field?

Learn how to quickly add formatting to a number field in the application editor.

To add formatting to a number field in the application editor, follow these steps:

  1. In the Application Editor, add or select a number field to open the field editor on the right-hand side panel.
  2. On the field editor, click the Formatting tab.
  3. In the Formatting tab of the field editor, you can add formatting options, specify minimum and maximum values, and apply quantitative formatting.

Formatting Options

Within the formatting options of a number field, you have the ability to incorporate pre-configured formatting masks such as SSN, EIN, and Routing Number.

By utilizing these masks, the customer's input on the merchant application will be automatically formatted when they enter a value in the number field. This ensures a seamless and error-free experience for the customer.

Min / Max

Additionally, in the formatting options of a number field, you have the ability to define the minimum and maximum values for a customer's number input.

This feature adds validation to the field, ensuring that the customer enters a numerical value within the specified range. By setting these limits, you can help maintain data accuracy and prevent errors in the application process.

Quantitative Formatting

You can also apply quantitative formatting to a number field, which includes options for currency and percentage.

Once you choose a quantitative formatting option, you can specify the number of decimal places the user can enter. This allows for precise and accurate input, enhancing the overall user experience.

Here is a short video that provides a clear explanation of the process mentioned above: