Users Overview

This article provides an informative overview of the user settings page in Under.

This article offers a comprehensive overview of the user settings page in Under.

It provides valuable information on how to invite new users, modify the role of existing users, re-send invitations to users who haven't completed their sign-up process, archive users, and effectively filter users based on their account status.

Inviting a New User

Discover the step-by-step process of inviting new users to your Under account.

Updating an Existing User's Role

Discover how to easily update the role of a user in your Under account.

Resending an Invite to a User

Discover how to send a new invitation to a user who hasn't finished their sign-up process yet.

Archive Existing User

Discover the steps to effectively archive a user from your Under account.

Filter Users

Discover the steps to effectively filter users in your Under account based on their account status.