User Roles

Learn more about the various user roles that can be assigned to your team members in Under.

There are a few different user types which control various responsibilities in Under. Below, we will define these differences and provide examples to help you decide how to set up your team in Under.

These permissions define the level of access and control that a user has over the applications homepage and the application editor's features and functionality. They can range from basic actions like viewing and creating applications to more advanced capabilities like sending applications to customers or editing the specific structure of an application.

The level of access and control that a user has to their Under account based on their user role can be manipulated in the Permissions tab of the Settings page. To learn more about permissions, refer to the article below:

Permissions Overview

👑 Master Admin

Upon creation of your Under account, the first user will be defaulted to being a Master Admin. As a Master Admin, you will have visibility to all applications, customers, and PDFs that are created in your Under account. Similarly, the user under the Master Admin role in your account will typically handle the procedural/billing information.


As an admin, you will, by default, have visibility to only your own applications, customers, and PDFs. In order to view other users' applications, customers, and PDFs, you (or another user with access to teams) can add yourself as a manager of a team. 

As the manager of a team, you will be able to view any users (standard or limited) in your team.

To learn more about teams, review the relevant articles here: Teams Overview 


As a standard user, you will have access to the templates made accessible to you by a Master Admin or an Admin.

After recognizing the different user roles that can be assigned in your Under account, refer to the article below in order to invite new users:

How do I invite a new user to my Under account?

The primary difference between Admin and Standard roles is the ability to view other users in your account when set as a manager of a team.


As a limited user by default, you will only have access to the Applications and Customers homepages. From there, you will only be able to view applications that an admin user has given you access to. Similarly, you will only be able to view and manage customers that you have created.