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  3. Identity Verification Integrations

Understanding KYC Reason Codes

Comprehensive list of all reason codes that could be presented after running an Under KYC

IDAnalytics Reason Codes:

153 Address match to list of business or commercial addresses
157 Address match to list of prison addresses
163 Address match to list of Post Office or private Mail box facility
498 Address associated with confirmed fraud
520 Address associated with suspected or confirmed fraud
010 Fictitious Name or Address
018 Consumers asserted age less than 18
088 Suspected frivolous input
166 Address is a campground or trailer park
180 EVENT - Application received through known risky channel
230 SSN likely invalid
232 SSN Reported as Deceased
233 SSN likely issued before DOB
238 SSN associated with risk
248 SSN, Name and DOB reported as Deceased
321 EVENT - Home phone number invalid or missing
483 Distance between address and area code of phone number
499 Unusual number of SSNs associated with this identity
500 SSN associated with suspected or confirmed fraud
504 SSN linked to unusual number of home phone numbers
506 High number of historic applications using SSN
507 High number of recent applications using SSN
510 NETWORK - Unable to confirm SSN in association with other identity elements
514 SSN linked to unusual number of dates of birth
524 Address type is generally associated with high risk
539 Historic usage patterns of address are generally associated with high risk
554 Unable to confirm name in association with other identity elements
564 Phone number type is generally associated with high risk
567 High number of historic applications using home phone number
568 High number of recent applications using home phone number
569 Unable to confirm home phone number in association with other identity elements
572 Phone number associated with suspected or confirmed fraud
573 Phone number likely fictitious
574 Unusual number of phone numbers linked to this identity
576 Phone type generally associated with risk
580 Combination of elements of the email address generally associated with high risk
589 Address match to USPIS Hot Address List
591 Historic usage patterns of identity elements are generally associated with high risk
592 Recent applications from this identity
593 Recent applications with inconsistent identity elements
594 Historic applications with inconsistent identity elements
595 Recent usage patterns of identity elements associated with risk
596 High number of recent applications with inconsistent identity elements
597 High number of historic applications with inconsistent identity elements
600 Phone number associated with confirmed fraud
612 High volume of historic applications for this identity
613 High volume of recent applications for this identity
614 SSN associated with confirmed fraud
616 Recent applications using this phone number
626 IP address mismatch with phone number
627 IP address mismatch with zip code
628 Internet connection characteristics generally associated with high risk
636 Recent applications from this address
637 Unable to confirm DOB in association with other identity elements
639 Unable to confirm address in association with other identity elements
641 Unusual number of emails linked to this identity
645 Missing email
646 Historic usage patterns of phone associated with risk
657 Unusual number of addresses linked to this identity
658 Unusual number of dates of birth associated with this identity
675 Email type generally associated with high risk
700 Name/DOB match with OFAC List
701 Possible name match with OFAC List
721 Insufficient history
733 Distance between historical addresses
867 High risk patterns associated with address history
907 Strong match of identity elements across multiple data sources
908 Identity elements matched across multiple data sources
909 SSN generally associated with low risk
925 Address type is generally associated with low risk
934 Low risk patterns associated with address history
946 Email type generally associated with low risk
953 Internet connection characteristics generally associated with low risk
960 Historic usage patterns of home phone number are generally associated with low risk
962 Combination of home phone number with other identity elements is generally associated with low risk
963 Phone type generally associated with low risk
967 Distance between address and area code of secondary phone number generally associated with low risk
992 Historic usage patterns of identity elements are generally associated with low risk
994 Consistent historical assertion of identity elements
ADDR A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.
ADDR4 A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Address w/SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
EMAIL A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Email Address per the Enterprise configuration.
IADDR A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.
IADDR4 A Velocity alert was triggered on Input street address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
IALTADDR A Velocity alert was triggered on the Alternate Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.
IDOC A Velocity alert was triggered on the Input Document Number per the Enterprise configuration.
IIPADDR A Velocity alert was triggered in Input IP Address per the Enterprise configuration.
ILNAME4 A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
INAME A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.
INAME2 A Velocity alert was triggered on Input First Name and Last Name per the Enterprise configuration.
INAME4 A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and Street Address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
IPHONE A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Phone Number per the Enterprise configuration.
ISSN9 A Velocity alert was triggered on Input SSN9 per the Enterprise configuration.
ISTRNZIP A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Street Name and ZIP Code per the Enterprise configuration.
LDOC A Velocity alert was triggered on the Located Document Number per the Enterprise configuration.
LNAME4 Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
NAME A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.
NAME2 Velocity alert was triggered on Located First Name and Last Name per the Enterprise configuration.
NAME4 A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and Street Address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.
PHONE A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Phone Number per the Enterprise configuration.
SSN9 A Velocity alert was triggered on Located SSN9 per the Enterprise configuration.
STRNZIP A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Name and ZIP Code per the Enterprise configuration.
resultcode.activation.date.alert This indicates that the provided Purchase Date of the card is a particular set of days after the Activation Date.
resultcode.address.does.not.match Address found does not match address submitted. This can be due to a typo in the input information, typos or errors in the address located, or the address is actually incorrect, but the subject’s credentials are located in or near the target ZIP code, city, or metropolitan area.
resultcode.address.location.alert A location-based alert that advises when the located ZIP Code exceeds the Enterprise’s Permitted Distance Radius rule.
resultcode.address.longevity.alert Specifies how long someone has lived at their current address.
resultcode.address.stability.alert Indicates how often someone moves based on specific timeframe triggers
resultcode.address.velocity.alert Warns of the number of addresses someone has had within a defined time period.
resultcode.age.above.maximum Indicates that the subject’s age is above the maximum age allowed by the Enterprise.
resultcode.age.below.minimum Indicates that the subject’s age is below the minimum age allowed by the Enterprise.
resultcode.alternate.address.alert Indicates that the Alternate Address could not be verified for the customer. The Alert will be clarified further as to which type with the value of the <alternate-address-type> value. Those are: • Street Number • Street Name • State • ZIP Code</alternate-address-type>
resultcode.bankruptcy This indicates that the subject of the search has a ch...