How do I copy an application's URL?

Discover how to easily copy the URL of a shared application in your Under account.

To copy the shared application URL of an application in your Under account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Applications homepage.

  2. Choose the application you want to copy the URL of.

  3. Click on the Copy Application URL button located in the URL column of the chosen application.

This application link is reusable and can be used in a variety of ways. To name a few:

  • Utilize linked application behind call to action (CTA) button on your company website
  • Paste application URL in the body of an email to customer(s) that you would like to complete the application

Each time this application is opened and the first page is completed, a new customer record will populate in your list of customers in your Under application. Each subsequent page of the application that is completed will auto-save the customer data to the customer record in Under.

Here is a short video that provides a clear explanation of the process mentioned above: