How do I add a field to my company dictionary?

Discover how to add a personalized field that you have designed into your account's company dictionary.

To add a custom field to your account's company dictionary, follow these steps:

  1. Select a custom field on your application. If you have not yet created the custom field, refer to the article linked here: How do I create a new field?
  2. In the field settings on the right-hand side panel, confirm that the field is configured according to your preferences, then click the Add to dictionary button at the bottom of the field settings panel.

Once you have added the field to your company dictionary, changes made to the dictionary field will not take hold.

To make changes to a dictionary field, you would need to update the field's key, then repeat the process of adding the new field to your dictionary.

Here is a short video that provides a clear explanation of the process mentioned above: