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Google Maps Integration

Learn about the Google Maps integration and how it allows you to pinpoint the location of your customers as they are completing an application.


Our Google Maps integration ties directly into Under’s platform and pinpoints on a map where the application was submitted. You can easily view this data in each customer record once the application has been completed.

How to Setup Integration

The Google Maps integration is available out of the box with your Under account. Google Maps is automatically a part of all templates used to create applications, but can easily be toggled off completely in the Integrations page.

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It is highly recommended to keep the Google Maps integration on as this provides an extra layer of authentication to ensure that your customers are authentic.

Use Case

Here is a quick example of how Google Maps works on a live application. Once a customer opens an application, Under will ask permission to access their location services. If the response is allowed, the customer may continue to complete the application.

Location services vary between internet browsers - be wary of this as results may fluctuate based on their chosen search engine.

Once the customer completes the application, you will be able to view their detailed Google Maps integration results via their customer record.

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View Google Maps Results in Under

In order to view detailed results from the Google Maps integration, click on the customer which you would like to view, the click View Details at the bottom left of the page.

From the customer record's top banner under Maps, you can view the success/failure result. You may also view the location where your customer completed the application by clicking the box underneath the Maps label.

The detailed results page allows you to view the exact coordinates of where the customer completed their application as well as a centered Google Maps view of the address.

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